Tips for Choosing the Right Solar Installer


Deciding to switch to solar is an investment which shouldn’t be handled carelessly. Getting the right solar installer with quality equipment should be your priority. To avoid “stories that touch” and enjoy your investment, these steps will help you in a making the perfect choice:

Compile a list of various prospective installers

Surf the net to make a list of the various solar installers around you. Create columns for each of the companies where you would record the information gathered from each of the screening process stated below.

Company’s credential

The experience and the certification from various monitoring agencies are greater than the size of the company is. Check how long the company has been in existence and compare it with the number of projects they’ve handled during the course of their existence with proofs.

Look out for customer’s review

You get a view of the company’s performance from customers they have related with. Some companies usually have a customer’s review section on their website so that people would be able to pass their comment on their services. If you can’t find any on their website, contact them to provide references. 

Request a quote

Send emails to all the installers on your list requesting a quote. Most of them would likely come to carry out an energy audit. Make sure the home or is audited before installation. Some will offer to advise on the load for your system. Take a critical look at their response rate and how you are being advised.

Service commitment

How the customer service relation officer of the company handles your enquiry matters. Was it in a swift friendly manner or did they show nonchalance? These things could reflect on how the company will go about the whole solar project if granted.

ALSO READ: Questions to ask before you go solar

Looking for a company that has a pass mark for the requirements above? Search no more. Contact Havenhill Synergy Limited today on 07063803881 or 08095938802 or send a mail to 


1 Comment

  • I agree that the customer review section of a website could be really helpful in determining the qualifications of a solar company. Finding out what past clients have to say could help shape your views as well. I’m looking for someone to help me go off the grid with solar energy, so I’ll have to check their website first.

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