Havenhill signs grant agreement under the Interconnected Mini-Grid Acceleration Scheme

Abuja, Nigeria – Yesterday, 17th February 2022, Havenhill, represented by our Chief Operating Officer, Abisola Badejo signed our grant agreement under the Interconnected Mini-Grid Acceleration Scheme, which is championed by the Rural Electrification Agency of Nigeria with financial and technical support of the European Union and the German Government (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH) within the framework of the Nigerian Energy Support Programme (NESP).

This in-kind grant will be used to facilitate access to reliable and affordable electricity and also stimulate socio-economic development in a peri-urban community in Ogun State, Nigeria.

We are grateful to our partners for their continuous support and partnership in accelerating access to reliable electricity in underserved and unserved areas in Nigeria.

Image: Rural Electrification Agency, Nigeria

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